Republican Joe Scarborough Eviscerates Sharron Angle

Last updated on February 8th, 2013 at 05:55 pm

Ouchy, ouchy this morning for Tea Party favorite Sharron Angle (Republican candidate for Senate in Nevada), who was literally destroyed by conservatives and liberals alike on Morning Joe’s MOJO Midterm Exam panel. Scarborough went so far as to say top Republicans think Angle is a “loser” and frequent contributor and occasional guest host Barnicle saying Angle comes off like a “mental patient”.

Morning Joe Tears Sharron Angle Apart

Morning Joe Tears Sharron Angle Apart

Desperately clinging to the last vestige of sanity within the GOP, Joe Scarborough of MSNBC’s Morning Joe has taken a dramatic departure from the modus operandi of the authoritarian play-along to-get along platform of the GOP and has been allowing actual real and valid criticism of the Republican Party on his show. His panel this morning included Mike Barnicle, Mark Halperin, and John Heilemann, who collectively, assisted by Chris Matthews, tore Angle apart limb by limb.

The panel talked about Angle’s extreme positions, such as wanting to repeal Social Security and using violent methods to deal with a congress they don’t like, with Chris Matthews weighing in to remind the panel that Angle said, “She understands why people think of resorting to Second Amendment solutions to the Democrats in Congress they don’t like.” Matthews pointed out that Angle never tried to walk this statement back.

Harry Reid’s blog gleefully reported:

“Every single member of the panel – liberal and conservative alike – pointed to Sharron Angle’s extreme and dangerous agenda, arguing that it way too far outside the mainstream to win a general election Nevada, and that she had already turned off key Republican donors and supporters on her recent trip to Washington DC. Scarborough said of top Republicans who met Angle in DC: “They met her, their hair fell out, they were horrified… They think she’s a loser.”

Mike Barnacle (sic) said Angle came off like “a mental patient” and suggested Nevadans would never send her to Washington for fear she’d embarrass us all.

And Chris Matthews took Angle to task for her extreme and dangerous statements suggesting violent revolution against the government if she doesn’t win in November. (Specifically, Angle has spoken of the need for “2nd Amendment remedies” if “this Congress keeps going the way it is.”)

Scarborough wrapped up the discussion by stating simply: “That race is over … she’s gonna lose.””

It’s looking like Angle’s chances in Nevada are getting slimmer and slimmer, in what can only be a referendum on the more radical Tea Party positions. If so, the Democrats can thank the Tea Party for getting Harry Reid re-elected in a year when his seat was far from a given.

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