Last updated on August 10th, 2014 at 05:03 pm
Leave it to the tea party to turn the original intent of Woodstock, peace, love, and music into an excuse to beat down dissent. According to MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer the tea partiers in Mesa, NV got rough with hecklers, as one heckler was drug out by the arm, and another by the hair, because nothing says freedom like beating down dissent.
Here is some video of a heckler being mistreated in Mesa courtesy of Mediaite:
MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer has posted to her Facebook page these updates, “Mesa crowd getting rough with hecklers: one guy grabbed the heckler by the hair.” Brewer also posted, Sarah Palin to heckler: Young man, stick around. Maybe you’ll learn something. Then other citizens dragged him out by his arms.” Nothing says real America to the tea party like physically beating down any voices of dissent in the room.
The radical right is now displaying its full colors. They aren’t protesting taxes, the size of government or health care. What we have here is a small group of angry conspiracy theorists, homophobes, and racists, who can’t accept the fact that the United States of America elected a black Democratic president in 2008. These fringe elements of our political discourse could only hide the true sources of their rage for so long.
They are not a silent majority. They are an ugly angry minority which has corrupted the concept of libertarian freedoms in order to bash non-whites, gays, and anyone else who disagrees with them. Instead of embracing it, Republicans should be ashamed of such behavior. The tea partiers are the fascists that they claim Obama and the Democrats to be. This version of the tea party is not a movement for America’s future, but an ugly return to its dark past.
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