A Note of Thanks to All Readers: Dedicated Servers and Dollars

Last updated on August 10th, 2014 at 05:03 pm

When I started politicususa is the spring of 2008, I didn’t know what to expect. I had been a political columnist and editor for the previous four years, but heading out on my own was an uncertain prospect at best. I launched the site and within a few weeks, it began to outperform all of my expectations. It grew throughout the 2008 presidential campaign, through Barack Obama’s first year in office, and it is still growing today.

I have tried my best to keep the site up during heavy traffic times, so that everyone has a chance to read what we post, if they so desire, and to that end, I am happy to announce that our move to a dedicated server is complete. The site crashes and slowdowns that have plagued us during heavy traffic periods will hopefully be a distant memory, but with the dedicated server comes higher hosting costs. (The classic chicken and egg argument among people who have websites is the battle between traffic versus costs).

We are an independent website. We have no advertising budget. Politicus has remarkably grown through word of mouth and social networks. With the exception of some Google ads, I try to keep the advertising to a minimum, but the site is funded out of my own meager pockets, and I could use a hand. I know that times are tough for everyone, so I am simply asking for one dollar. You can use the Paypal button to donate a single dollar.

I hate asking people for money, which is why I could never stomach the idea of getting into politics, but I don’t think that 100 pennies is too much to ask from anyone who enjoys the site. Please, whether you donate or not, enjoy the new dedicated server, and most of thank you for reading and visiting Politicus. Without you, this site would not be here today.
Jason Easley

Jason Easley
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